Please complete the following steps to verify whether you need to comply and acquire the Building ID required for the Energy Star Portfolio profile for each building.
- Start by entering your property's address or parcel ID in the search bar.
- As you type, a list of suggestions will appear below.
- Each suggestion will have an address, parcel number, and breakdown of the number of buildings on that property.
- If you are having trouble finding your property, please click on the "Need Help?" button at the bottom of the search pane.
- Select your property from the suggested list and click on it.
- On the right side of the screen, an interactive map and a list of buildings on that property will appear.
- Selectable buildings will have a yellow border and the property line will be a thick black border.
- If a building is less than 25,000 square feet, it will not be in gray and not selectable.
- Select each building that is part of your portfolio.
- To add a building to your selection, you can either click on it in the map or click "Add" on the list above the map.
- To remove a building from your selections, you can either click on it again in the map or click "Remove" on the list above the map.
- You can select multiple buildings, accross multiple properties and add them to your list of selections.
- Complete your building selections and press "Continue".
- After you click "Continue", you can return to the search by clicking the yellow "Back" button in the upper left corner. The search box will be empty again, but the tool will still retain your previous selections.
- Caution: You can navigate the tool using "Back" and "Continue", however refreshing the page will cause you to lose your selections.
Please Note
This tool is provided as a reference for building owners and managers. Compliance with the ordinance is the building owner's responsibility.
- If the building square footage displays "Unknown", it is the building owner's responsibility to determine the square footage and select it.
- If the square footage displayed is inaccurate, it is the building owner's responsibility to determine if it should be selected. To correct the square footage, please contact us by clicking on the "Need Help?" button at the bottom of the search pane.